Logitech G Flight Simulator Yoke and Throttle – Pilot Report

The Logitech Yoke and Throttle is one of the most popular yoke option here at Sporty’s, and rightfully so. Since we added it to our flight simulator line in early 2008, it’s been a staple of the digital aviation community due to some unique features, an easily configurable design, and a great price. Below are a few of the reasons we like to recommend it to all levels of flight simulation enthusiasts. 

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How to set up live weather in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 – pilot tips (flight sim 101 series)

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Honeycomb Alpha Flight Simulator Yoke – hands-on review for pilots

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Logitech G (Saitek) Flight Simulator Yoke And Throttle – hands-on review for pilots

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Honeycomb Bravo GA Single Engine Configuration (Throttle, Mixture, TOGA)

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Honeycomb Bravo GA Single Engine Complex Configuration (Throttle, Propeller, Feather, Mixture, TOGA)

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Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 – review for pilots

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MSFS 2020 Hardware Sensitivity Edits (Aileron, Cirrus SR22, Cirrus Yoke)

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What’s The Best Hardware For Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 – Honeycomb, Logitech, Redbird

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