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IFR Practice With Infinite Flight

For many weekend warriors, using tools outside the cockpit is a must if they want to keep their heads in the game. Flight simulators are an invaluable tool for instrument-rated pilots and students, but they can be bulky, and the cost can sometimes be prohibitive. This is where a mobile flight simulator like Infinite Flight on your phone or tablet can come in very handy. 

Sporty’s VFR Scenarios for X-Plane 12 – how to install and get started

Ready to go from game to learning? Here’s how to install Sporty’s X-Plane VFR Scenarios on your home computer. – Sporty’s X-Plane VFR Scenarios: https://www.sportys.com/sporty-s-x-pl… – Flight Sim Products: https://www.sportys.com/flight-simula… – Sporty’s Pilot Gear: https://www.sportys.com/

IFR Practice With Infinite Flight

For many weekend warriors, using tools outside the cockpit is a must if they want to keep their heads in the game. Flight simulators are an invaluable tool for instrument-rated pilots and students, but they can be bulky, and the cost can sometimes be prohibitive. This is where a mobile flight simulator like Infinite Flight on your phone or tablet can come in very handy. 

Sporty’s VFR Scenarios for X-Plane 12 – how to install and get started

Ready to go from game to learning? Here’s how to install Sporty’s X-Plane VFR Scenarios on your home computer. – Sporty’s X-Plane VFR Scenarios: https://www.sportys.com/sporty-s-x-pl… – Flight Sim Products: https://www.sportys.com/flight-simula… – Sporty’s Pilot Gear: https://www.sportys.com/