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- Infinite Flight Partners with Sporty’s Pilot Shop
- Welcome to Flight Simulation Webinar – comparing Microsoft, X-Plane, and Infinite Flight
- MSFS and X-Plane 12 Jumpstart Class with Flight Sim Coach
- Stop gaming and start learning
- How to install Sporty’s Honeycomb Bravo Profiles with X-Plane 12 (Version 2)
Redbird Flight Simulators – Virtual Airshow Product Dem
/in Hardware Videos/by Chris McGonegleA good flight simulator is more than just a toy; it can improve your flying skills and keep you current. But many inexpensive yokes and rudder pedals don’t accurately simulate what flying is really like. That’s why we’re proud to offer professional grade controls from Redbird. They are the finest we’ve ever seen, designed specifically for pilots who want the most realistic simulation experience. Whether you’re looking for a flexible system to run with X-Plane or Microsoft Flight Simulator, or a complete Aviation Training Device you can use to log instrument currency, we have a solution. This video shows each of the options up close.
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How pilots can use flight simulators to stay current – webinar recording
/in Webinars/by Chris McGonegleWe all know that flight simulators can provide a huge value in flight training but they can also do damage if not used properly. In this talk, we will discuss how to use simulators effectively and how to avoid making mistakes that will degrade your flying skills. We also review the most popular hardware options for home flight simulator use.
Topics include:
– How to use flight simulators to learn effectively
– Mistakes to avoid when flying at home
– Popular flight simulator software and hardware options
– How to choose the right system to fit your needs
Jason Miller is a career CFII with more than 20 years of aviation experience and nearly 10,000 hours of instruction given. Jason is a member of the FAA safety team, an instructor for AOPA’s Air Safety Institute and has been named by the FAA as the Western Pacific CFI of the year.
Chris McGonegle is a Commercial rated pilot and a graduate of the University of Cincinnati Aviation Academy. Chris is the New Product Manager with Sporty’s Pilot shop and is hands on with all new simulator hardware Sporty’s adds to their offering.
Flight simulator yokes for pilots – how to stay current while you’re at home (Logitech, Honeycomb)
/in Hardware Videos/by Chris McGonegleA home flight simulator system is a good way to keep your flying skills sharp when you can’t make it to the airport. Here’s a look at four popular yokes.
In this Product PIPEP, we take a look at home flight simulators from the pilot’s perspective, not the gamer’s. We’ll explain what a simulator is good for, and what it’s not good for. We’ll also review four popular yoke systems:
– CH Product Flight Sim Yoke
– Saitek/Logitech G Flight Simulator Yoke
– Honeycomb Alpha Flight Control
– Redbird Alloy Yoke
Prices range from under $150 to almost $1000, with differences in features, realism, and construction. We’ll explain what the tradeoffs are and how to find the right one for your home.
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Sporty’s X-Plane VFR Scenarios
/in Tips and technique/by Chris McGonegleSporty’s Private Pilot Flight Sim Training Guide
/in Tips and technique/by Chris McGonegleThank you for your recent flight simulator hardware purchase from Sporty’s Pilot Shop. For Learn to Fly Month we’re excited to gift our Private Pilot Flight Sim Training Guide to eligible customers to assist in using a flight simulator for real world flight understanding. This guide includes 14 detailed lessons that work seamlessly with Sporty’s Training Course Outline within the Learn to Fly Course.
Sporty’s Flight Sim Training Guide – A TCO or Training Course Outline was instrumental to every flight during my training. It helped me to understand what I could expect during the lesson, the maneuvers we would fly in the aircraft, and locations for extra reading or review. Now you can bring that same structure to your simulator flights, with our detailed Flight Sim Training Guides—digital versions of what’s used by each student pilot training at Sporty’s Academy, our flight school. You’ll need to load the simulator in a Cessna 172, or similar training aircraft, and this guide will give you the outline for a productive and educational flight. This Training Course Outlines was designed with Microsoft Flight Simulator in mind, but it’s easily usable with X-Plane, Prepare3D or Infinite Flight.
Click here to receive the Private Pilot Flight Sim Training Guide